September is Food Safety Education Month!
Spread the word on practicing safe food habits and help lower the chance of foodborne illness. Visit every week as we share new topics and learn how to prepare, handle and store food properly while avoiding cross contamination risks.
The Facts
According to the Federal government, approximately 48 million foodborne illness cases occur annually, resulting in an estimated 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 deaths. Find more info at FoodSafety.gov, FDA.gov and CDC.gov.
The Steps
Clean. Separate. Cook. Chill. Lower the risk of catching a foodborne illness by following these four steps, click each step for details and tips from the FDA.
The Posts
Check out social media resources from the FDA or create your own and tag us! We love swapping food safety tips, stories and solutions.
@CFSBrands You gotta keep ‘em separated! 🎶 The Offspring knew how to keep food safe. Click below for tips on keeping food separate to reduce cross contamination risks. #FoodSafety #FSEM #NFSEM (click here)
The Topics